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Our History

Stevens Concrete Inc. was started in 1965 by Albert “AL” Stevens under the name Stevens Concrete. Al had a lifetime of construction experience and had served as project manager and as supervisor on several building projects. As he neared retirement he wanted to try his hand at owning and operating his own business. In the latter part of the sixties Stevens Concrete specialty was installing decks for swimming pools and during the heyday the company was installing as many as 10 decks per week. Many a fully functional deck can still be found in the Napa and Sonoma Counties.

In 1967 Hurshal Woodruff joined Stevens Concrete as a field foreman, bringing with him experience from Marvin King Concrete Contractor and Glen Bobst of Glen-Built Construction. As the swimming pool building craze slowed, the company took on more foundation work augmenting the patio, driveway, and sidewalk services provided. In 1971 Hurshal partnered with Al to incorporate Stevens Concrete. In 1972 Hurshal became majority shareholder and was elected President and CEO.

As the decade progressed, the company focused more on custom residential and the wine industry in the Napa Valley. Long term relationship were made with such notables as Rombauer Vineyards, Rutherford Hill Winery, Charles Krug, and Beringers. By the mid80s the company had secured a reputation for producing quality work for high-end custom residential projects and was much in demand. A few projects spanned several years and presented significant design and logistical challenges.

The mid 1990s through 2004 our area of focus was primarily high-end residential with some custom commercial projects and during this time most of the architectural examples shown in the picture gallery were created. The late 90s and early 2000s saw a large expansion in commercial and industrial projects and Stevens Concrete Inc. began to evenly split its time between residential and commercial projects. This pattern continues today.


In 2008, Brian Woodruff took over the position of vice-president and “Lefty” (Elmer Lefteris) Vasiliadis became lead foreman. In the spring of 2008, Hurshal, Brian, and Lefty introduced an expanded training and recruitment regime and quickly doubled the roster. Our efforts to hire conscientious craftsmen and augment their skills through individual training has lead to increased production efficiency while maintaining our high standards of quality. As a result, Stevens Concrete Inc. has been able to undertake large projects with significantly smaller crew sizes then is standard in the industry.

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