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Stevens Concrete, Inc., Project Page

On this page we feature some of our favorite projects. Projects are listed in reverse chronological order

Commercial / Industrial

Airpark Warehouse Conversion
The airpark project started as a warehouse conversion in to a barrel storage facility and over the course of a couple years grew into fully functional winery.

Dana Estates Winery/ Kodo
Dana Estates Winery Project started as a new winery facility in St. Helena and evolved to include a visitors center, owner's residence, and guest facilities. At the apex of the project it involved five general contacting companies, three concrete corporations, two architectural firms, and numerous subcontractors and spanned four years.

Peter Michael Winery
This is the most ambitious project that Stevens Concrete, Inc., has had the pleasure to work on.

Auberge Du Soleil
Stevens Concrete, Inc., is privileged to have been connected with Auberge from the beginning when the restaurant portion was first constructed in 1979-80 under the direction of Glen Built Construction.

Rombauer Vineyards Winery
Our relationship with the Rombauer’s spans four decades.

On these pages are featured projects involving private residences.

Glen Ellen Project 2003

Pictures coming soon--
Noble Residence
O'Niel Residence
Taylor Residence

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